our offerings

You're here because you're feeling the pull. You know you're meant for more but you don't know how to get there. Explore all the ways receive guidance and support as you embark on your journey into embodiment—into finally becoming the person you're meant to be.

imbodi physical

Are you a woman who's feeling fed up, burned out, and empty inside? Do you secretly (or not-so-secretly) resent yourself? And are you just plain sick of it?

This six-month group mastermind is your ticket to freedom.

Finally find that elusive inner peace, gain the kind of confidence you've only dreamed of, and do it all on fast-forward through the power of a supportive community.

Our signature program is truly transformational. Starting with the body, then the mind, emotions, and spirit, you'll peel back the layers of who you really are to unlock your true potential.


Ready to dive in?


Our highest-end package is the most powerful, personalized path to deep healing and lasting change.

Experience massive growth through fully customized one-on-one sessions with Amanda.

Here, we'll use a range of coaching and healing methods to identify the core wounds, limiting beliefs, and past traumas that keep getting in your way.

If you're tired of spinning your wheels and ready to truly shift gears, this is the solution you've been seeking.

I'm ready for real change

get unstuck

Are you feeling stuck?

Do you feel like no matter what you do or where you turn, you keep coming up against the same dead ends?

Pain pushes until the soul calls.

In this self-paced course, you'll learn:

  • Why you're feeling stuck
  • How to clear out the parts of you that are holding you back
  • How to can move through life feeling empowered and full of possibility

This is for me

imbodi physical for women

For the woman who craves unshakable confidence in her body, herself, and her life.

In this signature six-month group experience, you will:

  • Learn to not only like but love your body (yes, really) by nurturing yourself both inside and out
  • Release deep inner blocks that are keeping you stuck in old ways that no longer serve you
  • Redefine your relationship with your body, yourself, and your world
  • Reprogram your mind, harness your emotions, and connect to your deeper purpose
  • Experience a true metamorphosis with sustainable results
  • Cultivate lifelong friendships with other members of this intimate, transformative group experience

This investment in yourself is a one-time payment of $1,995 or six monthly payments of $395.

Begin my transformation


imbodi you founders Amanda Joy Loveland and Michelle Wilding

A high-touch, fully customized 1-on-1 program with Amanda tailored to fit your specific needs.

Your personalized coaching experience will include:

  • A deep-dive into your personal history to help us create a truly transformational experience designed specifically for you.
  • Weekly one-on-one coaching sessions with Amanda designed to help you break through and unlock your full potential.
  • A unique combination of coaching and healing techniques to help you shift limiting beliefs, heal core wounds, and break the patterns that are keeping you stuck. 
  • Support and accountability as you learn to implement new tools and show up fully for yourself and those around you.
  • And more...

Pricing starts at $8,500, depending on needs and desired outcomes.

Request your one-on-one experience

Hi! I'm your founder, Amanda Joy.

A seeker of truth and student of life, I shut down my successful national clothing brand after 11 years in business because I knew I was meant for more. You're here because you're meant for more, too.

My mission is to guide you back to who you truly are. This is my passion: helping you find your own authentic expression, become the highest version of yourself, and connect with your deeper purpose to live a life of freedom and expansion.

Along with the team of incredible coaches and facilitators here at imbodi you, I'm excited to help you shed the layers of baggage holding you back and help you transform into the person you're meant to be.

We know from experience this starts in the body, and that's how "imbodi you" came to be.

Meet Amanda and the team