for the woman who craves safety and confidence in her body, herself, and her life.

Take me there

Did you know...

Most women don't feel alive and free in their bodies?

Imagine if...

You felt strong and safe in your skin... instead of self-conscious and scared to be seen.

You radiated confidence... instead of constantly battling your inner critic.

You woke up each morning excited to be alive... instead of dreading another meaningless day.

How would it feel...

To be at home in your body, aligned with your purpose, and empowered to create a life you love?

Now... what if you didn't have to imagine?

I'm listening... Tell me more
Closeup of woman's hand on mirror or reflective glass
Woman's silhouette seen through a sheer white curtain

We know what it's like...

To feel so ashamed, you're afraid to be seen... so you self-isolate, avoid intimacy, and hide beneath baggy clothes.

To feel numb and disconnected, constantly at war with your body, mind, and emotions.

To punish yourself because you feel unworthy and unlovable.

To feel empty, stuck, and hopeless—always on autopilot, just going through the motions.

To feel defeated because you've tried it all... but nothing seems to work.

So what DOES work?
Woman's silhouette seen through a sheer white curtain

Think it's time to break the cycle? We sure do!

This six-month transformational journey is for the woman who's TIRED of being the backseat driver in her own life and READY to take the wheel.

Is that woman you?

Dark-haired woman wearing glasses while gazing out the window, appearing to be lost in thought

Your outer world will always reflect your inner world.

Your level of success, happiness, and joy will always parallel your level of self-love. (Psst. Read that again.)

Step out of the struggle.

If you're willing to answer the call... What you're about to experience can change your life forever.

Are you ready to fall in love with your body, yourself, and your world?

Are you ready to SHOW UP and do it right?

100% goes without saying

Here's the secret:

When you feel safe in your body, everything else aligns.

And when you don't...

It can take a toll on pretty much everything:

  • Mental and physical health
  • Eating habits
  • Personal relationships
  • Sense of safety
  • Inspiration and creativity
  • Your spiritual gifts
  • Financial stability
  • Work life and career

Listen to your body. It's telling you something. (And since you're here, it's probably REALLY important.)

But how do I listen?
Closeup of woman's blue eye reflected back at the camera through a piece of glass
Closeup of woman's blue eye reflected back at the camera through a piece of glass
Close-up image of a woman's hand holding a measuring tape
Close-up image of a woman's hand holding a measuring tape

Most people get this WRONG.

They slap on band-aid after band-aid, trying to fix the issue they can SEE, w
hen in reality, it's the symptom of a deeper problem. 

The good news is...

There's a better way—a way that ACTUALLY works.

You have to heal from the inside out, because what happens on the inside shows up on the outside.

When you peel back the layers of subconscious programming, limiting beliefs, past traumas, and core wounds...

Your external world starts to reflect those internal shifts.

You had me at "better way"

The body is the key

Your body is the container that holds all of you... and all that you're ready to become.

Find your tribe. Transform your life.

This intimate six-month group journey is the catalyst you've been calling in. Lean into the support of a close-knit community as you redefine your relationship with your body and yourself.

  • Learn to love and nurture your physical form
  • Cultivate self-trust and safety in the body
  • Clear deep inner blockages keeping you stuck
  • Deprogram your mind to shift limiting beliefs
  • Use emotions as fuel to create a life you love
  • Tune into your higher self and true purpose

Say no more. I'm in!

Six months to self-mastery.

In the imbodi physical women's group, you'll learn to see your body as a loyal friend instead of a prison guard.

Stack small wins and watch them multiply as we navigate this transformation together, one small step at a time.

As you begin to feel safe, your body relaxes, your weight finds its natural balance, and your energy explodes with the freedom to thrive.

It gets to be easy. It gets to be safe. If you're ready to trust and take the leap... Your metamorphosis awaits.

I'm leaping! Here we go!
Closeup of woman holding her hands over her heart
Closeup of woman holding her hands over her heart

This program is for you if...

  • You feel numb on the inside, uncomfortable in your own skin, and experience shame and resentment around yourself and your body. You've tried it all, but nothing seems to stick.

  • You're ready to get REAL results by going inward and working through the underlying  issues that have shaped your external world. 

  • You KNOW you're meant for more and refuse to settle for a life half-lived. You have a burning desire to embody your confident, authentic, purpose-driven self.

  • You're committed to putting in the time and taking action every day. We are your guides and YOU are the master of your own destiny.

  • You're open to doing the inner work so that you can experience the kind of healing that breaks the chains and sets you free.

  • You're willing to take bold, brave steps and stay the course, even if it feels scary or uncomfortable at times, because you know this is the path to growth.

  • You're a seeker of truth who is ready to connect with your higher self, uncover your true purpose, and explore your own unique gifts.
I know this is for me

This program is NOT for you if...

  • You're only interested in the physical aspects of weight loss, like diet, exercise, and counting your macros. To truly transform, you have to go deeper.

  • You aren't willing to put in the work and simply want to "manifest" results. Lasting change requires both action and intent.

  • You aren't ready to take accountability for your current reality or acknowledge the underlying issues that have shaped it. 

  • You can't commit or won't show up. If you're not willing to invest in yourself, you won't get where you're trying to go. The only person who can change your life is YOU. 
  • You're not open to spirituality or healing work. Lasting change comes from healing.
These people are missing out!

Your secret to success

Our simple but powerful approach is the secret to truly transforming your inner and outer worlds.

The Four Keys to Empowerment & Self-Mastery
The Four Keys to Empowerment & Self-Mastery

Key 1: Body

Woman with exposed torso facing away from the camera on a rock in the water

It all begins in the body, the physical form that carries you through this human world. 

When you're at war with your body, inner peace is impossible.

As you unlock the first key, you will:

  • Develop skills to improve body confidence through food, movement, and accountability

  • See how easy it can be to stack wins through small victories, then watch them all add up

  • Uncover the real reason behind emotional eating and the difference between eating for fuel and eating to fill a void

  • Learn to show up for yourself and prioritize healthy new habits

  • Learn the basics of deprogramming your subconscious mind so you can start making conscious shifts
Woman with exposed torso facing away from the camera on a rock in the water
I need all of this, immediately

Key 2: Mind

Woman holding a pen, about to write on the blank page of a journal
Woman holding a pen, about to write on the blank page of a journal

Every experience starts with a thought, the flicker of an idea that enters your mind, and often, decides to make a home there .

Always running in the background, they turn perceptions into reality. This means your subconscious has full control. Yikes.

As you unlock the second key, you will:

  • Discover the inner workings of your subconscious mind and how to make it your ally

  • Learn to silence the steady stream of internal chatter so you can think and create with intention

  • Shift self-sabotaging thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors

  • Learn to master your mind, work with your subconscious, and gently course correct as needed 
Please, please help me master my mind

Key 3: Emotions

Two women standing on a beach making a heart with each of their hands

If you're anything like us, you probably never learned to use your emotions effectively. No one really teaches you that.

Maybe you were even conditioned to believe they made you weak. Not the case, my friend.

As you unlock the third key, you will:

  • Discover the truth about emotions, how they really work, and how to make them work FOR you

  • Learn their language so you can listen to understand, accept them fully, and use them as fuel

  • See how emotions can burn away shadows of the past to create space for what you're calling in

  • Dive into the divine feminine energies and learn to embody your feminine flow
Two women standing on a beach making a heart with each of their hands
Now this is the good stuff!

Key 4: Spirit & Purpose

Closeup of woman's hand holding a crystal
Woman's hand adorned with rings, holding a crystal in front of a rock wall

When you connect to your spiritual self and discover your divine purpose, you bring your entire life into alignment.

The fourth and final key draws on everything you've learned so far. Now that you've started to trust yourself, you can begin tapping into your personal power.

As you unlock the fourth key, you will:

  • Connect with your higher self, God, or source to access your deeper purpose and unlock your own unique gifts

  • Activate your full potential and step into your truest expression of self

  • Develop your feminine intuition and learn to trust your internal guidance system

  • Learn the difference between inspired action and wounded inspiration so you can make careful, conscious choices
This is what I've been looking for

Ready to meet the REAL you?

You're here because you're meant to be. It's time to let go and lean in.

Pay in full


Save $375 when you go all in

  • Two 1:1 coaching sessions each month
  • Interactive weekly lesson modules
  • Guided meditation journeys
  • Breathwork exercises
  • Breakthrough tools
  • Weekly group focus calls
  • Supportive online community
  • Lifelong access to lesson modules
  • FREE Get Unstuck course ($333 value)
  • FREE jump-start call ($100 value)
I'm FULLY committed

Pay as you go.

$395 $333/m

6 monthly payments. Early Bird Pricing

  • Two 1:1 coaching sessions each month
  • Interactive weekly lesson modules
  • Guided meditation journeys
  • Breathwork exercises
  • Breakthrough tools
  • Weekly group focus calls
  • Supportive online community
  • Lifelong access to lesson modules


Let's do this thing!

Pay as you go


6 monthly payments

  • Two 1:1 coaching sessions each month
  • Interactive weekly lesson modules
  • Guided meditation journeys
  • Breathwork exercises
  • Breakthrough tools
  • Weekly group focus calls
  • Supportive online community
  • Lifelong access to lesson modules
Let's do this!


When you go ALL IN on this program—and yourself—we know you'll achieve the results you've been seeking...

Not just in your body, but in the way you FEEL about yourself and your world.

We've seen it OVER AND OVER again with women just like you. When they fully commit to themselves, just as we fully commit to them too, the transformation is out of this world.


*See cancellation policy

Meet your guide

Amanda Joy Loveland

with special guests

With more than two decades of experience in business, facilitation, and healing, Amanda uses a blended approach of modalities including shamanism and NLP to guide you through a true metamorphosis for life long change.

Our team of talented coaches here at imbodi you has facilitated countless certification trainings, private clients sessions, group coaching programs, and masterminds, working with a range of women, from stay-at-home moms to multi-million-dollar executives.

We share a deep passion and purpose for helping women live fuller, more enriching lives by releasing what's holding them back and connecting them to their deeper purpose.

We know from personal experience that this begins in the body. The body truly is the key!

Frequently asked questions

*Commitment and cancellation: You are agreeing that you are committed to this program at a price of $395 per month. At any time, however, if you choose to step out of the program understand that you cannot re-enter our program for one year. This program is non-refundable.

Guarantee: As each person is unique in their personal goals and their commitment level we cannot guarantee that you will have weight loss or massive change. We can promise you, however, if you are committed to this program and show up for yourself you will see results as many women have.