Did you know...
97% of women don't like what they see in the mirror.
You're here because you're one of them.
But you don't have to be. You deserve to feel strong and safe in your body. You're worthy of having a body, and life, that you love—of becoming fully embodied.
Here's the secret...
Your outer world will always reflect your inner world. Your level of success, happiness, and joy will always parallel your level of self-love.
You're here because you're meant to be.
What you're about to experience will change your life forever. It's time to fall in love with yourself, your body, and the world. It's time to have confidence in the skin you are in. Are you ready?
Do you know you're meant for more?
This six-month transformational journey is for the woman who knows there's a better way to live and who's been seeking it all along.
We know what it's like...
where physical meets metaphysical
This signature group program is unlike anything you've ever experienced. With our proprietary approach, you'll learn to:
- Clear deep inner blockages that are keeping you stuck
- Shed extra baggage (and extra weight, if that baggage is showing up physically for you)
- Harness your mind to create lasting results
- Use emotions as fuel to build the life you desire
- Connect with your spirit and deeper purpose
Develop self-mastery in just six months

When you cultivate a deep sense of embodiment, falling totally in love with yourself...
You become fully present and connected to your body, mind, emotions, and spirit.
This connection allows you to fully experience yourself—and your life.
When you accept yourself unconditionally, recognize your inherent worth, and treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and respect...
You get to have an unbelievable life experience far beyond what you ever thought possible.
Your secret to success
Unlock the keys to self-mastery and full, feminine emobidment. Our simple yet powerful approach is the secret to creating real, lasting transformation in both your inner and outer worlds.
Key 1: Body
We begin with the body, the foundational key to accessing your true power and potential. When you're at war with your physical form, it's impossible to have the life you desire.
As you unlock the first key, you will:
- Develop skills to improve body confidence through food, movement, and accountability
- Learn how easy it can be to stack wins through a series of small victories that add up to create tangible results
- Learn the real reason behind emotional eating and the difference between eating for fuel and eating to fill a void
- Learn to show up for yourself and prioritize healthy new habits
- Learn the basics of rewiring your subconscious mind and start making lasting changes

Key 2: Mind

Everything you experience begins with a thought.
Whether or not you're aware of these thoughts, they're constantly running in the background, creating your reality.
Your mind is powerful, and if you don't learn to harness it, your subconscious will control you.
As you unlock the second key, you will:
- Learn how your subconscious mind functions and how to reprogram it to work for you rather than against you
- Learn to stop the mind chatter and clear the clutter so you can think, and create, with intention
- Learn to identify and shift the self-sabotaging thoughts, patterns, and behaviors that have created your current reality
- Learn to master your mind and create the consistent, repeatable results you desire
Key 3: Emotions
Emotions are power. Most of us haven't been taught to use them effectively. In fact, as women, we're often conditioned to believe they're a weakness. In truth, they are the fuel that creates your life.
As you unlock the third key, you will:
- Learn what emotions really are, how they work, and how to use them effectively
- Learn to stop emotions from running your life
- Learn to fully accept all emotions so you can harness their energy in service of your desires
- Learn how to let emotions help you burn away what no longer serves so you can make space for what you're calling in
- Dive into the divine feminine energies and learn to embody the true flow of the feminine

Key 4: Spirit & Purpose

When you connect to your spiritual self and tap into your divine purpose, you bring your entire life into alignment.
The fourth and final key is a culmination of everything you've learned. It's where you learn to trust yourself and access your personal power.
As you unlock the fourth key, you will:
- Connect with your higher self, God, or source
- Release internal blockages to activate your highest potential and truest expression of self
- Develop a deeper connection to your feminine intuition and learn to trust your internal guidance system
- Learn the difference between inspired action and wounded inspiration
- Learn to have trust and faith in yourself and your divinity
- Tap into your true purpose
Are you ready to love the woman you truly are?
You're here because you're supposed to be. It's time to let go and lean in.
When you fully commit to this program, and yourself, we know you'll achieve the long-lasting results you've been seeking...
Not just in your body, but in the way you feel about yourself and your world.
We've seen it countless times with our clients. When they fully commit to themselves, just as we fully commit to them, the transformation is truly incredible.
*See cancellation policy
Meet your guides
Amanda & Michelle
With more than two decades of combined experience in coaching and healing, we fuse multiple modalities to create true transformations.
We have facilitated countless certification trainings, private clients sessions, group coaching programs, and masterminds, working with a range of women, from stay-at-home moms to multi-million-dollar executives.
We share a deep passion and purpose for helping women live fuller, more enriching lives by connecting to their original souls' blueprint.
We know from personal experience that this begins in the body. The body truly is the key!
frequently asked questions
How do I know if this course is right for me?
What makes imbodi wellness different?
How many women will be in each focus group?
When can I use my one-on-one coaching sessions?
Do you have any incentives if I refer a friend?
How can I become one of your coaches?
What is your cancellation policy?
Are my results guaranteed?
*Commitment and cancellation: You are agreeing that you are committed to this program at a price of $395 per month. At any time, however, if you choose to step out of the program understand that you cannot re-enter our program for one year. This program is non-refundable.
Guarantee: As each person is unique in their personal goals and their commitment level we cannot guarantee that you will have weight loss or massive change. We can promise you, however, if you are committed to this program and show up for yourself you will see results as many women have.